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Meow. Welcome to my blog.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Wow, it's been a while...
Mood:  cheeky

I'm in a good mood today. Don't know why, but I am. I've also been strangely hyper lately, which I consider a good thing. I haven't written in a long time, have I? Wow. I just read my last entry from the it's winter and I'm halfway thru the school It sure has flown by! It feels like it was yesterday! Oh well. Not much has been going on lately. Life at home has been amazingly calm the past week or so. Life at school...not so much. I do have a new boyfriend, though: Jackson. We've only been going out for a couple of days. It's nice.

Well, I probably need to get off the computer for now. I'll post some more when I get the time.


Made by me at 12:34 PM EST
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
It sure has been a while!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Cartoons...yay for Nick cartoons!

Hi everyone! I haven't been on in a long time! Like my new blog layout? I love kitties, so I thought it was really cute.

I've been up to a lot lately since I last updated. First I went to this super-fun performing arts camp at my church. It was awesome! We did the play "Alice In Wonderland", and I got picked as the White Queen, basically the craziest character in the entire play! I got to run around screaming "Bread and butter, bread and butter!" That was basically my catchphrase. It was so much fun, and I can't wait to go again next summer.

Now, though, I'm back in school. Joy. So far eighth grade is just as boring as seventh was. This year I have the most impossible and stubborn NEVER opens! And I'm being totally serious here. I need to make a new movie: When Evil Lockers Attack.

So what's been up with you guys?

Made by me at 11:43 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:58 AM EDT
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Mood:  chatty
Hello people! I'm adding an entry cause I'm bored. I don't have much time to say hi, seeing as we're getting ready to leave the computer lab. Right now I'm at a summer writing camp, and we're in the computer lab publishing our stories. Mine's about what I'd do if I were president. It's pretty good, and in November it gets published into a real book. Basically all I've done since I've finished is surfed the web and showed my friend Shawn my new Boredom Program. If you wanna check it out, click here. Gotta go...cya!

Made by me at 10:36 AM EDT
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Hi! I'm in a happy, hyper, bubbly, blogging mood!!!
Mood:  cheeky
Hey, what's up people? I'm in a pretty good mood today. My brother's at his best friend's house (for now, at least), so my house is actually quiet. What a miracle! My dad's not home right now, either, so I don't have to worry about him telling me to get off the computer. *Yawn.* I'm tired. I've had to wake up early every morning this week because I'm going to this summer arts camp. It's annoying to wake up this early, but the camp is fun. I get two classes to take. My first class is where I'm making a self-portrait, which isn't as easy as it seems. It's not like one of those super-realistic looking ones. It's actually kind of abstract. We made these models of our faces out of plaster (don't ask) and we each got a big board to glue ours to. Now we're getting to paint them. It's so much fun! My next class is where we're doing a play--The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to be exact! But the cool part is that we get to choose different scenes and alter what happens in them. We can make it as different and crazy as we want. I love being creative like that. Today we worked on making props for the play, and I get to carry a sword. It's shiny, too (thanks to aluminum foil). Yay shiiiiiiiny!!! LOL, you can probably tell that I'm hyper today. I'll post another entry when I get the chance. Cya!

Made by me at 4:16 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 7, 2006 4:18 PM EDT
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